True Evil

Deadly crime fiction thriller from Greg Iles “True Evil”

When FBI agent Alex Morse’s sister Grace lay dying and confesses to her that she might have been murdered, Alex did not realise the true ramifications of her last words. Yet when she started digging into it, she convers a diabolical plot connived by a lawyer and a doctor to kill people by inducing cancer into it. 

Outlandish as it may sound, that is what happens in “True Evil” by Greg Iles. The lawyer Andrew Rusk and the Dr. Tarver combine to find victims, being wealthy people who want to get out of their marriage without paying any hefty divorce settlement and yet also getting custody of their children.

Dr. Chris Sheperd is next in line as his wife Thora is apparently having an affair with another doctor and wants him out. Chris is Thora’s second husband and her first husband dies leaving her with millions. Alex contacts Chris and he despite being a sceptic at the beginning comes around to her theory. Slowly the plot unravels. Alex has a tough time with her bosses at FBI as she is conducting this investigation without their knowledge and consent. Dr. Sheperd is a likeable character, dad to his step son who adores him and with him he plays and coaches football.

Dr. Tarver has a past which is mysterious. He has a laboratory where he conducts experiments on primates. He also goes around with deadly snakes which are poisonous and venomous. Andrew Rusk has a contingency plan to intimate the FBI in case anything happens to him. 

Superb fast paced action thriller from Greg Iles, keeps the reader glued to the complex crime fiction until the end. There are several twists and turns and surprises which will keep the reader engaged. Greg Iles’s narration is very good. Goodreads 5/5

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