Anweshippin Kandethum

A gripping Malayalam crime thriller “Anweshippin Kandethum” (2024) directed by Darwin Kuriakose and starring Tovino Thomas, Siddique, Arthana Binu, Anagha Ravi among others.

The film is a masterpiece in screenplay and direction. Its a story of two crimes in both of which Anand Narayanan (Tovino Thomas) is involved as the investigating officer.

The first crime involves a missing case and subsequent death of a Christian girl Lovely Mathan (Anagha Ravi). Her disappearance and murder leads to tension in the village with the investigation leading to the church doorsteps.

Anand is denied any role in the investigation but nevertheless decides to carry it on unofficially and through a brilliant trick, manages to find the real culprit involved in the crime. That part of the story is quite breathtaking.

He is suspended and later handed over another murder case to solve and close, this time a six year old death of one Sridevi (Arthana Binu) in another village. There also the local officials try to stymie the police work through nefarious means.

Here also Anand runs into a seemingly dead end, but manages to brilliantly extricate the truth of the case through deception. The screenplay reverberates with such details that one is left to wonder at the beauty of it.

Tovino Thomas is fast emerging as a quality actor in the Malayalam cinema. Darwin Kuriakose has managed to lend quite an impact with this hard hitting crime thriller. Though not in the Hitchcockian mould, still its worth watching. IMDB 7/10

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