Tag Archives: short films

Meshes of the Afternoon

Meshes of the Afternoon, (1943) a short film created by Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid.

Its again a surrealist film just like Luis Bunuel’s “Un Chien Andalou”. A woman is seen as walking down a path, she goes to a door, finds it locked, finds the hidden key, the key falls down onto the stairs, then she goes inside the room, which is in disarray, the phone is off the hook, she finds a knife on a bread, a record player playing and then somebody is chasing her, she in turn is chasing a lady without a face but not able to catch her.

The images and visuals keep repeating like in a dream. There is no meaning to the movie, its a dream sequence, and one can interpret it the way one wants. Later a man comes into the house, the same sequence keeps repeating, with the key and the knife and the lady.

One can sum it as the character’s thought patterns in a time of crisis.

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A Mauritian short film “Bullied” (2016) depicting the horrors of bullying going on in schools and colleges. 

A new girl joins a college and immediately she is bullied by the seniors in the college. They make life miserable for her. She is meek and can’t fight back. 

Later that day, they find her outside the college Principal office and immediately yank her from there and proceed to beat her. She run for her life and falls down from the building and dies. 

After a month, her ghost returns back to haunt all of them. One by one they meet the same fate as her. Its a short film of 16 minutes, so not much scope for plot development and all. 

Its a simple story that makes its point — that bullying is bad and one could become the victim of the bullying. 

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