Tag Archives: train travel

daily word prompt

You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike?

Train is the preferred mode of transport for me for going on a cross country trip. Although it is arduous, tiring, trains are late, the toilets are dirty and stinky, still i would take the romance of a train travel anytime over bus, car, bike or airplane. Bus is most tiring to the limbs and uncomfortable to sit and sleep. In trains one can extend your legs and take a nap especially in the air conditioned compartment. Airplane is too expensive. Cars i can take for short distances to nearby districts, not long travel. Bike i do not know how to ride, so that is ruled out.

In train travel, i get down on most stations to take pictures, stretch your limbs and take in the scenery of that small town or village. Train journeys have a romance that no other transport provides.

In train journeys, you get to meet people sitting opposite to you and listen to their stories and sometimes it becomes a long lasting friendship.

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