Monthly Archives: July 2023


A BBC four part documentary on the lost kingdoms of Africa takes us to Ethiopia, known as the cradle of civilisation from where ostensibly the first human beings came out of Africa and traveled by foot to various parts of the world. 

Ethiopia has a rich history dating back to pre Christian times when King Solomon and Queen Sheeba’s son had connections with Ethiopia. There are legends that it is the birth place of Judaism. 

Dr. Gus Casely-Hayford, art historian and narrator of this documentary takes us to various places in Ethiopia which could possibly show the connection to King Solomon and Queen Sheeba. The kingdom of Aksum probably contains the ark which is zealously guarded by the local administration there. 

Dr. takes us to Harar, Lalibela, Gondor, Dire Dawa which has rock cut caves dating to the pre historic and pre Christian era. Ethiopia has more religious history behind it and tied to it are the monuments of the past built by the kings of that era. There are rock buildings carved out of a single piece of rock, like those found in Hampi and Ajanta in India and hieroglyphics giving messages of the kings of that era. Interesting documentary to watch. 

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Daily writing prompt
How would you describe yourself to someone?

As someone sincere with integrity, right ethics, warm hearted friendly person.

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Daily writing prompt
List 30 things that make you happy.
  1. Reading
  2. Running
  3. Listening to music
  4. Watching quality movies
  5. Solving sudoku
  6. Crossword puzzles
  7. Quizzing
  8. Spending time with family
  9. Listening to mother’s sound
  10. Meditation
  11. Pranayama
  12. Yoga
  13. Filter coffee in the morning
  14. Beer with friends
  15. Temple sounds
  16. Mantra chanting
  17. Prayers
  18. Visiting temples
  19. Listening to the sound of flowing water
  20. Ice-cream
  21. Finishing a job on time
  22. Completing a difficult task
  23. Trekking
  24. Walking with family
  25. Helping others
  26. Enough money in the bank account
  27. Working out
  28. Surya namaskars
  29. Nice cup of tea in the afternoon
  30. Completion of an educational course

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Daily writing prompt
Describe one habit that brings you joy.

Habit of running, reading, listening to music, watching quality movies

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Daily writing prompt
If you could bring back one dinosaur, which one would it be?

None, dinosaurs are extinct, they need not be bought back. The old scientist in Jurassic Park had warned “Don’t mess with nature” so that’s how it should be

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free plane tickets?

Daily writing prompt
If you won two free plane tickets, where would you go?

One would be to France and then walk my way through most of Europe – Italy, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and second one would to South America and then walk my way upwards to Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuala and exit at the top, provided of course i am alive by then.

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Solomon Islands

Interesting documentary on Solomon Islands, in the Pacific from the point of view of the Chinese domination in the islands.

China is buying into logging companies, infrastructure, airports, and funding the same, thereby leading to a debt build up for the poor country like Solomon Islands. Their intention is clear, to build a strategic military base in the Pacific.

Solomon Islands has got excellent deep water port and so that is very useful for the large ships to berth there. The main concern is that Chinese are getting their own labourers, so what will happen to the locals in the Solomon Islands.

There is apparently corruption in the government who have sold to the Chinese for huge pay offs. The present Prime Minister of Solomon Islands is no friend of Australia, the nearest superpower so to speak. There is lot of tension in the air, because mining rights are being sold and the pristine beauty of the Solomon Islands are being ripped off at a fast rate.

This is something which the large superpowers should take interest including economies like India which can help in negating the Chinese influence in the Pacific. Easy said than done.

You can watch this documentary here.

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4.70 kms

4.70 kms evening run in the rains, absolutely glorious weather to run – enjoyed it thoroughly.

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e-invoice exemption

Advisory from GST

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Award winning Malayalam movie “Jallikattu” (2019) directed by Lijo Jose Pellicherry and starring Antony Varghese, Chemban Vinod Jose, Sabumon Abdusamad, Santy Balachandran among others.

Its a story of a bull which runs amock in a village and everybody is desperate to catch it. Antony (Antony Varghese) is the butcher responsible for transporting the bull to another place for a marriage ceremony, but it escapes.

His boss Kalan Varkey (Chemban Vinod Jose) is desperate to get hold of it, because it is huge money for him. Everybody wants a piece of the buffalo meat so almost everyone in the village runs after the buffalo.

In the meanwhile the story digresses into some drama elements in the form of a unspoken war between Antony and one Kuttachan (Sabumon Abdusamad) who had a rivalry going over Sophie (Santy Balachandran) whom both were apparently wooing and whom Antony marries after sending Kuttachan to jail over drug related charges.

Kuriachan (Jaffar Idukki) is the one whose daughter was supposed to get engaged and for which the buffalo is requisitioned. He gets alarmed and tries desperately to get some chickens instead and in the meanwhile his daughter runs away with a lover which also flops.

Its a subtle satire on the Kerala way of life, human greed going back to the hunter gatherer of the era gone by with lots of action shots. Camera work and cinematography is breathtaking to say the least. Production values are astounding which is what makes this movie super. IMDB 5/10

Picture taken from the internet for representational purpose only not with an intention to violation of copyright

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The Disciple

Award winning Marathi movie “The Disciple” (2020), directed by Chaitanya Tamhane and starring Aditya Modak, Arun Dravid among others.

Its a beautiful movie of a disciple’s love for Hindustani classical music in its most puritanical form devoid of attention, embellishments etc.

Sharad Nerulkar (Aditya Modak) is a lifelong student of Hindustani classical music first studying under his father and later under his guru Arun Dravid. His father instills in him the love of music.

Not much is known about his father as he grows up, but he continues training under the Guruji and shuns all limelight like a true disciple. He performs on stage but does not hanker after attention. He admonishes a student who wants to do fusion music in a college festival.

Years go by and he takes care of his Guruji like a devoted son. Not much of a detailed drama in the script, but the cinematography by Michal Sobocinski is exceptional. Arun Dravid has acted quite brilliantly as the Guruji with all its nuances, he seems like a versatile actor. Aditya Modak has also done a good role. Worth watching this movie for its simplicity and beauty. IMDB 7/10

Picture taken from the internet for representational purpose only not with an intention to violation of copyright

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7.02 kms

Easy 7.02 kms after Sunday’s race. No rains so it was humid. Started drizzling immediately after i finished my run. Have a great day folks.

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Is love enough, sir?

Award winning Hindi movie “Is Love Enough, Sir” (2018), directed by Rohena Gera and starring Tilotama Shome, Vivek Gombher among others.

Its like a modern day “Sujata” directed by the legendary Bimal Roy, but does not come upto that level of the maestro. Ratna (Tilotama Shome) is a maid working at the house of Ashwin (Vivek Gombher) who is an architect.

He had a break-up and some family tragedy and her husband died just four months into her marriage. The problems of being a widow in a village comes up and her aspirations to learn something to make a living.

Ashwin helps her in small ways and is considerate to her side of the issues. He gets attracted to her but everybody sees a huge list of problems with that from the society to his friends, relatives, parents, workforce to her side of the village. The movie doesn’t rise upto a level which it should have with the kind of script.

Vivek Gombher disappoints but Tilotama Shome is good in the movie. There is not much scope for both of them. IMDB 3/10

Picture taken from the internet for representational purpose only not with an intention to violation of copyright

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Siska Deluxe

Award winning Slovenian comedy drama movie “Siska Deluxe” directed by Jan Cvitkovic and starring Ziga Fodransperg, Marko Miladinovic, David Furlan, Jana Prepeluh among others.

Its a story where three friends come together to run a pizzeria out of a warehouse left by the dead aunt of Feder (Ziga Fodransperg). Only Zekir (David Furlan) had some experience in making pizzas.

The business does not come through because of their inexperience. Mile’s (Marko Miladinovic) mother finances part of the store by selling their garage. Mile’s father has gone to the army to fight in Macedonia and not returned home in 25 years.

Feder’s wife has separated from him due to his drinking problem. He has a small daughter to whom he is very attached. They try to recruit people to run the store, but find only Jana (Jana Prepulah) to be worthy of a stint. Jana has a story of her own.

There’s enough laugh gags in the movie to keep the viewers engaged. Comedy with an undercurrent of tragedy. Everybody has a sad side to themselves but keep each one motivated with positive motto. Worth watching this movie.

Of the cast, everyone has done a decent role. Its a neat script for the director to work on. IMDB 5/10

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10.05 kms

1st race of the year – Mindspace 10K, and i was given the honour of flagging off the race as well. There were no rains, so it was humid. Overall satisfied, early in the season still. Have a great Sunday folks.

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